For Parents

/For Parents

Why our opinion is not as relevant as we think it is – Part 1

2015 marks the 15th year that I have been working in soccer.  In that time, I have had thousands of conversations with coaches, parents, and players, at virtually all of the different levels of the game.  Upon reflecting on these conversations it has become apparent to me that many of us subjectively think and feel [...]

By | November 15th, 2015|For Parents, Science|3 Comments

Soccer Fitness Gols Video Blog #8: Friday, October 30th, 2015

Hi everyone, Welcome to the next edition of the Soccer Fitness Gols Video Blog. In this Blog, I will be providing weekly video content relating to all things soccer and fitness. In this edition, I discuss carbohydrate/muscle glycogen replenishment in soccer, and how to ensure that players get the right amount of carbohydrates to maintain [...]

By | October 30th, 2015|For Parents, Nutrition, Science|0 Comments

Speed Training – What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You (Part 3)

I have been working as a fitness coach with elite level soccer players for 15 years.  In that time, the one physical ability that seems to always have been of the highest importance to players, parents, and coaches alike, is running speed. Unfortunately, running speed – and how to train/improve it correctly – is probably [...]

By | October 27th, 2015|Fitness, For Parents, Science|0 Comments

Soccer Fitness Gols Video Blog #3: Friday, September 25th, 2015

Hi everyone, I’m excited to welcome you to the next edition of the Soccer Fitness Gols Video Blog. In this Blog, I will be providing weekly video content relating to all things soccer and fitness. In this edition, I discuss the importance of keeping the airway warm while training and playing as temperatures get colder [...]

By | September 25th, 2015|Fitness, For Parents, Science|0 Comments

Soccer Fitness Video Blog #2 – Friday, September 18th, 2015

Hi everyone, I'm excited to welcome you to the next edition of the Soccer Fitness Gols Video Blog. In this Blog, I will be providing weekly video content relating to all things soccer and fitness. In this edition, I discuss the importance of strengthening of the glute medius, which is a hip external rotator, and [...]

By | September 18th, 2015|Fitness, For Parents, Science|0 Comments

Change Your Focus, Change Your Performance

It's September, and I am now 1 full year into "back-to-school" mode.  The class I am presently enrolled in is Advanced Sport Psychology.  I first studied this subject during my undergraduate degree in Kinesiology over 10 years ago.  I was fascinated by the topic then, and I continue to be fascinated by it today. As [...]

By | September 13th, 2015|For Parents, Science|0 Comments

Why Are We Still Playing Tournaments?

Last weekend I ran an on-field training session with a club team at Bill Crother's Secondary School in Unionville, a relatively nee high school with very impressive facilities, including 3 full size soccer pitches (2 turf, 1 natural grass) plus a full 400-metre track and stadium-style bleachers.  For me this was a regular day at [...]

By | September 2nd, 2015|For Parents|4 Comments

Why You Should Never – EVER – Eat a Low-Carbohydrate Diet

As part of my Nutrition for Sports Performance course, I was recently assigned to create a project (anything other than a written report) about a topic of my choice related to nutrition for a sport of my choice.  Of course, there was no choice of a sport other than soccer, and the topic I decided [...]

By | August 16th, 2015|For Parents, Nutrition, Science|0 Comments

Article: "A Canadian Solution by Way of Germany" by

Below is a link to a very interesting article, written and posted by the website, which is dedicated to all things soccer and Canadian.  The article highlights some unique aspects of the German soccer model, and some ways in which Canada can learn from - and copy off of - this model in order [...]

By | August 3rd, 2015|For Parents, Science|0 Comments

Bringing Fun – and Scoring Goals – Back to the Game: International FC's TFC II Soccer Camp

Yesterday afternoon I worked at the inaugural TFC II Soccer Camp, run by the staff of International Football Club (IFC) a soccer development company and academy located in Vaughan, Ontario.  I am very familiar with IFC, as I have been providing fitness assessments and on-field fitness training for them for over 3 years, since the [...]

By | July 27th, 2015|For Parents, Science|0 Comments