Soccer Fitness Inc. has undergone some exciting new changes in the past few months, and we wanted to make sure you have an opportunity to see them for yourself!  

We have decided to update and revise our Incline Treadmill, Harnessed Treadmill, and Plyometric Training Protocols. 

 After reviewing the results of our very own training-based study, conducted by President Richard Bucciarelli, Senior Trainer Matija Vugrinicek, other Soccer Fitness Staff, and Justin Cresser, Technical Director of SC Toronto Soccer Club, we have found that by shortening the work-to-rest ratios of one of our incline treadmill running workouts, we were able to achieve marked improvements in running speed and high intensity running ability over a short (6-week) timeframe. 

 These results have prompted us to make similar changes to our own Treadmill and Plyometric Training Protocols.  Beginning in August, 2013, training sessions at the Soccer Fitness Training Centre will be more intense than ever.  In order to maximize training volume every hour, each training session will include incline treadmill sprints, harnessed / over-speed treadmill sprints, and plyometric exercises.  Work-to-rest ratios will be kept to a maximum of 1:4, so as to ensure that the intensity of training stays high.  Athletes will also be given a more comprehensive Home Training Program, which will allow them to keep closer track of the exercises they do at home, as well as in the Soccer Fitness Training Centre.

 We will also be updating and renovating some of the equipment and even the look of the Soccer Fitness Training Centre itself, including changes to make parents’ view of the training sessions more accessible.  We promise, whether you’re a past/present client getting back into training after the summer season, or a potential new athlete looking to get started in the fall, you’re going to love everything about the new Soccer Fitness!